YMM Temporary Closure
Dear YMM family,
Thank you all for your support in recent weeks. I’m really sorry to have to tell you that, as of today, YMM is temporarily closed due to the spread of the coronavirus.
We have been following government guidelines and advice closely, and are also using our own judgment to best protect our students and tutors, some of whom fall into the vulnerable category. It is now time for us to move into the remote learning stage we’ve been planning for since the outbreak began.
Our tutors have been preparing two weeks of lessons to deliver via email and you should receive yours by Monday 23rd. A lot of time and thought has gone into providing useful, stimulating and bespoke lessons for you or your child and is the next best thing to learning face to face.
We would be very grateful for your support on this. Please ensure your child can access and work through their lessons so they continue to make progress and enjoy their music, ready to return as soon as we are able to re-open. If we have to stay closed for longer, we will be in touch to discuss ways forward.
You’ll appreciate it’s impossible to give a timescale for the closure at the moment, but rest assured we will update you whenever we have news. In the meantime, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
A last thought for now…The uplifting sight of people on balconies singing and playing instruments is a great reminder of how the magic of music can help us through difficult times - and of how fantastic it will be when we’re all back making music together again.
With very best wishes from us all, and thanks again for being part of our wonderful YMM family.
Alison Chandler, YMM Chair of Trustees
Becky McChrystal, YMM School Director